Public Sociology

There are several community projects I have ongoing involvement in. 

First, I am engaged in community work in women’s prisons. I co-founded and facilitate with an organization called Webs of SupportThe prisoner-led group is by and for survivors of trauma and violence. 

Second, I co-edit a prisoner publication called unstoppable! publication by and for prisoners who identify as women, trans, or gender-nonconforming. 

Additionally, in an effort to make my scholarship more accessible to a wider audience, I have created several self-published zines containing my writings (and in some cases, my co-authored writings), listed below. I’ve created 2 versions of each zine: one that is readable online and one that can be printed and distributed widely. If you click on the “printable zine version,” make sure to print double-sided and flip to the “short-edge” (if that option is available) and then fold in half!

Justice in Gender-Responsiveness?[coauthored with Tara Perry]

Justice in G-R Readable Online version                Justice in G-R Zine version

Abolishing the ‘Psy’-ence Fictions: Contesting the Mental Fictions created at a Women’s Prison

‘Psy’-ence Fict. Readable Online version           ‘Psy’-ence Fictions Zine version

Governing Bodies//Governing Souls: Female incarceration, “rehabilitation,” and promising radical strategies

GB//GS Readable Online version                           GB/GS Printable Zine version
